Open access and more …

open access, DOIs, indexing support, graphic design, climate neutral hosting, platform choice

What we do …

We support open science, and we respect your publications, identity, design, authorship, and publishing rights, while keeping DOIs and hosting affordable.

Make your publication available as open access
Knowledge is power and power should be shared. We do projects that are truly open (CC BY).
Provide Crossref DOIs without the membership fees
We are a Crossref sponsor. We can assign Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) to each of your articles without that you have to pay a membership fee to Crossref.
Help you with indexing
The open source software we use (OJS), in combination with a correct setup, provides Google Scholar indexing right out of the box. We can coach your publication to obtain even more academic recognition.
Combine open access with good graphic design
The frontend of Open Access software tools feels often like you are looking at the backend of a system. We can provide the graphic quality you come to expect from design publications.
Take care of your hosting needs
We have our own servers where we host the projects we design and develop ourselves.
Choose the platform that suits your needs
We facilitate journals, conference proceedings, (edited) books and pre-/e-prints